Vault JS monitors your web and mobile apps for security and privacy compliance

As customers interact with both websites and mobile apps, your business has never had so many opportunities to violate privacy laws and create security risks — and pay the hefty settlements that follow.

Man wearing glasses looking at computer monitor

Businesses Pay The Price

Privacy violation fines worth millions have been paid out by major airlines, retailers, and web services. The reputational damage can also be costly.

  • Sephora
  • GoodRx
  • Google
  • BuzzFeed logo
  • LinkedIn logo
  • tubi logo

Immediate Visibility for Immediate Action

Vault JS solutions for security and privacy work without installing any code on your site.

Validate icon

Vault JS Validate

Bring Certainty to Data Privacy Compliance

Adhering to data privacy rules is complicated. Digital Tracking Technologies (DTTs) collect extensive user data, often without permission. While Meta is often cited in wire tapping and consent type lawsuits, other DTTs create real liability as well. Vault JS Validate locates violations across your web and mobile apps, tracks their origin, and shows you how to fix them before fines are issued.

Privacy UI screen Gradient blur shape
Product dashboard showing metrics Gradient blur shape
Secure icon

Vault JS Secure

Protect Customer Data from Attackers

Hacked third-party martech is an open door through which attackers can steal data or commit Magecart attacks. Vault JS Secure quickly finds potential vulnerabilities and prevents data theft.

Woman wearing glasses looking at computer monitor

Shining a Light on Companies at Risk

90% of businesses would be out of privacy compliance if assessed.1

59% of organizations have had a data breach caused by one of their vendors or third parties.2

54% of organizations do not monitor the security and privacy practices of vendors they share sensitive information with.3

29% of organizations believe a third-party vendor would notify them of a breach, yet 58% of organizations don’t acknowledge data breach disclosures.4

$4.45M is the average cost of a data leak.5

Sources: 1, Vault JS  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5

See if your organization's privacy compliance is putting you at risk.